My friends know I love good quality coffee. Wherever I travel, I try to find at least one café that serves specialty coffee.
People around me also know that I am a healthy lifestyle advocate. For more than three years, I have been improving my coffee at home by adding cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut oil, etc. I have created, I would say, my own adaptogenic coffee recipe :)
Coincidentally or not, in October 2022, I had the opportunity to attend the Biohacker Summit in Amsterdam. That's how I got to test the coffee from London Nootropics and I loved it.
If you follow my work, you might know I love connecting with innovative people. That's why I got to chat with the people behind the brand. A few weeks ago, Zain Peer, one of the founders of London Nootropics answered below questions.
- What made you get to where you are now?
There are a lot of 'coincidences' that happen in life when you look back. You think randomly meeting this person or having that conversation, has led us along a path to where we are now. We're grateful for everyone we've met and the advice and knowledge shared along our journey and this I believe is the biggest factor in us getting to where we are today.
- What do you consider to be the most important achievements in your life so far?
Most definitely launching London Nootropics on a shoestring budget and scaling up organically from filling sachets by hand to having a large-scale manufacturing and thousands of customers our journey has been incredible from appearing on national TV on BBC Dragons' Den, having an adaptogenic coffee bar under the Piccadilly Circus lights in London and launching our brand in Harrods & Selfridges to most recently serving our adaptogenic coffees to world renowned experts at Harvest Series including Dr Mark Hyman.

- What are some of the challenges you face as an entrepreneur?
One of the most challenging things is ensuring we have enough adaptogenic coffee. When keeping to our values and not compromising on quality, securing the highest-quality adaptogen extracts can prove challenging, every batch is different!
- We live in interesting, challenging times; what inner resources do you call upon to maintain your well-being?
Spending some time to find balance and recharge, everyone recharges in different ways - for me it's going to the gym, having some extra sleep and going to some wonderful events. We recently went to Harvest Series in Kaplankaya, Turkey - a series of fascinating talks and eye-opening workshops that help us harvest knowledge on how to better nurture ourselves, each other and the planet with the ambition to create long-lasting change. And of course, we were serving our adaptogenic coffee!
- Why coffee: And, why adaptogenic?
There are good synergies with adaptogens and caffeine - adaptogens help us to enjoy the benefits of caffeine whilst minimising any side-effects such as jitters/anxiety by helping to balance our cortisol, we can also enjoy coffee without a crash as adaptogens can help give us sustained energy.

Maybe in the near future we will find London Nootropics coffee in Romania in stores like Ototo or Republica Bio. Who knows...I'm just saying...
And I cannot conclude this short article without a fitting quote about coffee.
Coffee is a language itself. -Jackie Chan.